Oh, I know there are ways to paint with Watercolor on Canvas that already out there, and some is very nice to work with indeed. However, just have not been able to use Watercolor as I can by painting on paper! Was never quite satisfied with the end product as a result. So, have been working on being able to stretch Watercolor Paper like canvas for quite some time: this is my very first totally successful Watercolor Canvas!!!!!

Yep, 140 lb. Arches Cold Pressed Watercolor Paper stretched like canvas. Will be interested in what you think.
I had not painted my painting quite wide enough for this 12"x12" stretched, which left the thin white edge on each side. Will have a large Painting finished in a few days. Will post it after stretching as well.
Lovely work Vera! How do you protect the back of the painting?
It's stretched right over the canvas Jean, so it's tight as a drum.
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