As many of you already know, I have a rather special Painting that was created in 2005 of a Dalmatian laying on an a rather lovely looking area rug. I had not remembered who had given me the photo from which I had taken this painting, having moved since that time, and having lost the contact name and information during that move.
Anyway, the painting, while wildly admired by all who viewed it, had never sold even though 100% of proceeds from such a sale were to be donated to
Save The Dalmatian's organization in order to help their on-going efforts. So I contacted our local newspaper, who assigned a staff writer to my problem. She wrote an article about the painting, posting an image as well for dog owner to recognize.

The owner did contact me, came by my studio to see the painting, and did ask to purchase it in the process. It seems his dog, which I then found out had been named "Fiasco", had passed away in 2007, and he had daily thought about this painting, wondering if it had been finished, and wishing he knew how to contact me as well.
What a wonderful spirit of Christmas this story provided for myself, my family, and his, and I cannot thank my Christmas Angel (in the form of a Newspaper staff member) enough for providing the means for contacting this very appreciative dog owner on my behalf.
Very nice glad that the right person owns the painting now. Good for you for giving to that fund.
Thanks Elle. Believe it or not, it was difficult enough, letting go of such a beloved painting! Had it not been to the real owner, am not sure I could actually have done it in the end.
Vera! What a great Christmas story! You helped the dog's owner and you helped Save the Dals both. Wonderful ending! I bet it was hard to let go. I find with my own paintings that hang around a while, it is harder to let them go after living with them. You'll just have to paint another one. I think that painting was hanging around waiting on this very moment to find it's true owner. Thanks for posting on my sunflower blog. Your name has been entered in the drawing.
Thank you for your comments Vernita, and for entering me in the drawing. Wow, winning that would simply top the list of Christmas miricles as a result of this painting!
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