Guess it's time I add another entry! I am so very sorry (again) but I do get so busy, and time does fly when you're having fun.
Have increased number of my Abstract Paintings since last being here. In fact, this is a great deal of what I've been having fun at . . . LOL! Also moved, which gave me increased studio space so I could tackle greater numbers of Abstracts to begin with. Six and up canvas panels are not easy to deal with in cramped studio space, believe me. So, for now am only going to show a few of my newest works (in Abstract of course), a couple of which have already sold.
Have also purchased a Wide Format Printer, because I now have the space. It is an Epson with Pigmented Ink. An artists dream . . . easy to use, almost fool proof in fact if one has any background in graphics at all, which of course I do have. Am getting geared up to produce Giclee Prints of my Oils too, not just Watercolor and Acrylic Paintings. Really exciting! This means I will be able to produce extremely high quality Limited Edition prints for less, passing that savings on to my collectors. So, here are a few Abstracts, two of which I dearly love.

This first one I had named "GLOBAL WARMING," then sat and wondered why the painting did not sell. Soon an artist friend was kind enough to tell me that the name was far too depressing . . . Name was changed to "CITY LIGHTS," and sure enough, the painting then sold straight away! I so much love this painting, but am sad to report that I let it get away without proper scanning for Giclee reproduction.
This original truly
is one of a kind.
"City Lights"

Far Left is named: "SANTA FE" for the southwestern colors and stark feeling of foliage. This is another of my favorites.
Closest is named: "ASIAN FERN".
Both originals have sold.
I must also tell you that these paintings are selling on Ebay. And no, I do not feel Ebay to be a sell-out or come down for an artist, but rather the future of art as we know it. I have spent have earned money enough on travel to art shows, packing up paintings and shipping them to shows and sales, as well as spending entry fees after entry fee with not always a sale being won. The Internet (and Ebay for sure) offers an international viewership, with limited fees and no travel involved. I for one am more than willing to drop prices all across the board in exchange for more time to devote to my work. Because I live to paint (not live to sell) this works out nicely, as far as I am concerned, for myself and my collectors alike. Beside, by the time one sold only a few paintings a year for much increased prices, and then deducted all of the expense of selling, very little was actually left. Nor does Ebay demand 40% to 50% of my sales, as does a Galley. Plus I am having a great deal of fun!!!!
Talk to you sooner than same time next year . . .